
Friday, July 22, 2011

I have been MIA............

It has been some time now since I have blogged about the now toddler Addison Lauren. I guess I can say time has flew by and now sincing having Addy that statement surely is true. I was sitting here at work, not feeling like working, normal day here, and thought, "hey, I have a blog, whatever happened to that!". So here I am. So much has been going on since the last time I wrote...

Addison now has a million teeth and the terrible twos I can say sadly came early...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What happens at Aunt Karyns does not always stay at Aunt Karyns!

So I know while I am at work, working sooo hard (really?) Addison is behaving and enjoying herself at Aunt Karyns. I know Karyn has such an EASY day EVERYDAY! I mean come on...........she is watching my daughter, who is 7 months old and who is an angel ALL THE TIME and NEVER EVER WHINES(he he) and her 16 month old son....How hard could that possibly be right?????? Well I enjoy getting pictures from my sister on what the gang is up to.... So today I received an email with some adorable pictures on what a normal Thursday is like!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Put on the breaks! Seriously...........

Well now that my little ladybug is now 7 months, holy cow is all I can say. I never really understood when people (mom's especially) would say time will fly when you have kids and once they hit the 6-7 month mark, you will notice a HUGE change. Well next time can you please warn me???? All within 3 days, Addison crawled, got a tooth (well its slowly coming through) and sitting up. I mean what the heck is next, shopping for a prom dress? I cannot believe she is 7 months and cannot believe how big she is getting. When I say "big", I don't mean her actual size. As you can tell from her pictures I post, and yes I am obsessed with taking pics of her, she is quite tiny. She is just now in 6 month clothing and can pull off some 3 month clothing. Well, I have a tiny peanut on my hands.

She is really getting around and for those that have visited our home, it's kinda not "baby proof" just yet! Although her moving around is making me exhausted, I surely do miss the days when she would just plop on my lap and watch some Chelsea Lately or Tori & Dean. Where did those days go?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Time is flying!

I cannot believe that my little ladybug (yes my nickname for her) is almost 6 months... Between 4 and 5 months I have seen the biggest change. I mean she is rolling over like a log, babbling like an old man with no teeth and kicking her legs like she's dog in water.... It is so crazy to think that this little baby girl wa sonce in my belly waking me up at 3 in the morning everynight.. I am getting told she is starting to look alittle like me now rather than a clone of my husband! I hope this is true and people arent just saying it because all I heard since the second she was born "oh my gosh, she looks exactly like Josh"!

More to come at 6 months!

Friday, July 16, 2010

I'm on a boat...........

So one very very hot Sunday afternoon we went out on the boat with some great friends..I was kinda nervous thinking "ok, I hope Addy does ok today", we got her her own little cute, pink of course, life vest! Of course when we got on the boat I started putting it on her and she was crying like someone pinched her.. Well when we started taking off in the water she actually enjoyed it! Josh took her in the water and she was really enjoying it! And after a long day in the water and sun, Addy was pooped.......

Sweet baby girl...........

Sometimes i just sit and stare at Addison. It absolutely blows my mind that a few short months ago she did not exist. Now, i absolutely cannot imagine a day without her impacting it in some way. It truly makes me stop and think about life and how much we take for granted. We just assume life is going to be their from one day to the next, that our lives have always been there; when in realty, our life has not been going on for very long. We take far too many things for granted; our next breath, the sunset, growth and maturity, all of these things could be taken in an instant. Savor today. . Time is too short, take lots of pictures! And thats why I do is definately too short......

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Getting Sooooo BIG!!

Well I started this blog and thought I would continue with it...but.........time flies and I forget about it.......So much has been happening it seems... Addison is almost four months and about to roll over any day! She started to grab her toes and its the cutest thing ever! Well since I've been back to work the days fly. I wake up usually around five but since my little ladybug has decided her new time is either 3 am or 4am my day starts alot earlier... Don't get my wrong I enjoy all my time with her but 3 am is alittle crazy if you ask me...